This is the FULL breakdown for the next 14 days!
PLEEEEASE take the before picture - if you are really going to put the work into the next 14 days, you will regret NOT taking the picture on the morning of Day 1.
PLEEEEEASE tag @bodyholic on Instagram and Facebook!
Finally, you are going to want to stay posted with the Instagram story as I will be closely guiding with tips and updates.
Here we freaking gooooooo!

BTC 6 Day 1
Cardio and Core HIIT
Equipment: Chair and Mat
30 - 10 x 3
Seated leg drop
Lunge and kickover r
Lunge and kickover l
Crossback lunge r
Side chair lunge r
Crossback lunge l
Side chair lunge l
Side to side tap off chair plank
Alternate between burpees and alternating chair hops
BTC 6 Day 2
Upper Body and Abs REPS
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in r 10
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in l 10
Negative triceps pushups 10
Flying chest pushup roll to oblique pike 10
Headstand breath 5
Repeat x 3
Alternate between roll to stand and vertical leaps
BTC 6 Day 3
Legs and Abs REPS
Equipment: Chair and Mat
Decline bridge s/l r 10
Step up to balance SLOW r 10
Decline bridge s/l l 10
Step up to balance SLOW l 10
Rocking boat 20
Repeat x 3
Alternate between s/l sprawl and scissors
BTC 6 Day 4
Cardio and Core HIIT
Equipment: Chair and Mat
45 - 15 x 3
Seated leg drop
Lunge and kickover r
Lunge and kickover l
Crossback lunge r
Side chair lunge r
Crossback lunge l
Side chair lunge l
Side to side tap off chair plank
10 minute AMRAP:
Alternate between 15 burpees and 20 alternating chair hops
BTC 6 Day 5
Upper Body and Abs
45 - 15 x 3
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in r
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in l
Negative triceps pushups
Flying chest pushup roll to oblique pike
10 minute AMRAP:
Alternate between 10 roll to stand and 20 vertical leaps
BTC 6 Day 6
Shred your Abs
Equipment: Chair and Mat
45 - 15 x 3
Chair scissors
Mat scissors
Side to side tap off chair plank
Elevated legs sit up
Seated leg drop
BTC 6 Day 7
Cardio and Stretch
5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpees
5 drunk chicken
5 donkey kicks
MSF - Stretch
BTC 6 Day 8
Cardio and Core HIIT
Equipment: Chair and Mat Optional: weight
50 - 10 x 3
Seated leg drop
Lunge and kickover r
Lunge and kickover l
Crossback lunge r
Side chair lunge r
Crossback lunge l
Side chair lunge l
Side to side tap off chair plank
Decline mountain climbers
Alternate between burpees and alternating chair hops
BTC 6 Day 9
Upper Body and Abs REPS
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in r 8
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in l 8
Negative triceps pushups - no cobra 10
Flying chest pushup 12
Headstand breath 10
Oblique pike r 8
Oblique pike l 8
Repeat x 3
Alternate between roll to jump and sumo jumps
BTC 6 Day 10
Legs and Abs REPS
Equipment: Chair and Mat Optional: weights
Decline bridge s/l r 15
Step up to balance SLOW r 15
Decline bridge s/l l 15
Step up to balance SLOW l 15
Rocking boat 30
Repeat x 3
Alternate between s/l sprawl and jumping lunges
BTC 6 Day 11
Cardio and Core HIIT
Equipment: Mat Optional: weight
60 - 10 x 3
Leg drop
Lunge and kickover r
Lunge and kickover l
Crossback lunge r
Side lunge r
Crossback lunge l
Side lunge l
In out jack plank
10 minute AMRAP:
Alternate between 15 burpees and 20 alternating crossback lunge to vertical leap
BTC 6 Day 12
Upper Body and Abs
60 - 10 x 3
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in r
Side plank lift to rotation and knee in l
Negative triceps pushups
Flying chest pushup roll to oblique pike
10 minute AMRAP:
Alternate between 10 roll to jump and 20 gentle strict climbers
BTC 6 Day 13
Shred your Abs
Equipment: Chair and Mat
60 - 10 x 3
Chair scissors
Mat scissors
Side to side tap off chair plank
Elevated legs sit up
Seated leg drop
BTC 6 Day 14
5 minute AMRAP:
5 burpees
5 drunk chicken
5 donkey kicks
5 minute AMRAP:
10 side lunge to balance and shuffle
10 climbers to s/l pyramid (every 3)
10 alternating s/a sprawls
Take your before pic!!!!!!
Let's get t h i s!!!!!!!!