
Mar 21, 20212 min

Bodyholic Build and Strip 2 Part 4/4

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Hi everyone! We have arrived at the very very last week of the 4-Week Build and Strip challenge for 2021. This is the end... (beautiful friend...)

This is a cardio week and it can also be done as a 7-day cardio challenge that will take the Bodyholic Cardio Challenge 3.0 to another level.

Here is the Bodyholic Cardio Challenge 4.0:



BCC 4 #1 Stretch and HIIT

No Breakdown Available


BCC 4 #2 Cardio and Core HIIT:


  1. alternating step ups

  2. jump jacks

  3. modified burpee

  4. sprawl forward

  5. bicycles freeze / rocking modification: alternating leg bridges

  6. side to side explosive bunny hops

  7. opposite shoulder touch plank

  8. opposite foot touch plank

  9. donkey kicks

  10. skipping / skip with rope

  11. alternating hop ups

  12. drunken chicken

  13. modified burpee

  14. sprawl forward

  15. bicycles freeze / rocking modification: alternating leg bridges

  16. side to side explosive bunny hops

  17. opposite shoulder touch plank

  18. opposite foot touch plank

  19. donkey kicks

  20. skipping / skip with rope


BCC 4 #3 Burpee Pyramid

  1. 5 1/4 burpees

  2. 5 1/2 burpees

  3. 5 sprawls

  4. 5 burpees

  5. 7 1/4 burpees

  6. 7 1/2 burpees

  7. 7 sprawls

  8. 7 burpees

  9. 9 1/4 burpees

  10. 9 1/2 burpees

  11. 9 sprawls

  12. 9 burpees

  13. 7 1/4 burpees

  14. 7 1/2 burpees

  15. 7 sprawls

  16. 7 burpees

  17. 5 1/4 burpees

  18. 5 1/2 burpees

  19. 5 sprawls

  20. 5 burpees


10 rotating burpees

10 rotating sprawls

10 rotating jump squats


BCC 4 #4 Total Body HIIT

60-10 x2:

  1. step up to balance r

  2. step up to balance l

  3. burpee

  4. side to side pogo plank

  5. unstoppable bicycles m alternating leg bridges

  6. side to side jump squat

  7. shoulder, knee and toe touch plank

  8. flying pushups

  9. roll to jump m sumo jump

  10. double butt kicks x4 butt kicks x10


BCC 4 #5 15 min AMRAP

  1. 30 alternating jump lunges

  2. 20 single leg r oblique 1/4 burpees

  3. 20 single leg l oblique 1/4 burpees

  4. 20 alternating step back to hop ups r

  5. 20 alternating step back to hop ups l

  6. 30 roll to stand modification: sit ups or sumo squats


BCC 4 #6 Cardio and Core HIIT


  1. alternating step ups

  2. jump jacks

  3. modified burpee

  4. sprawl forward

  5. bicycles freeze / rocking modification: alternating leg bridges

  6. side to side explosive bunny hops

  7. opposite shoulder touch plank

  8. opposite foot touch plank

  9. donkey kicks

  10. skipping / skip with rope


BCC 4 #7 2 x 15 min AMRAP

  1. 10 vertical leaps 5 knee tucks

  2. 10 squat jumps 10 switch lunge

  3. 10 jj pushups to donkey kick

  4. 10 scissors combo: scissor + side to side pogo + knee tuck

Get your mind right. You've got this.

Seriously though.... there is no turning back now.

xoxo, Di
